About 5 million children in the US experience bedwetting.
We don’t know why some kids outgrow bedwetting at 3 but others not until 20.
Lack of night-time bladder control is common through age 5, but it can also happen in older children. Children who are very deep sleepers often experience bedwetting. They struggle to wake up in time to make it to the bathroom once their bladder is signaling full.
Common causes of bedwetting include:
- genetics
- slow development of bladder control
- having a small bladder
- stress
- making too much urine during sleep.
Although frustrating, bedwetting in children over age 5 (without an underlying medical condition) usually does not pose health risks beyond the possibility of skin rashes. However, guilt, embarrassment, and loss of social opportunities (for example, avoiding sleepovers) can be very stressful.
While a variety of factors may play a role, enuresis is curable. With patience and the right tools, your child can stop bedwetting and achieve dry nights. Developing healthy bathroom habits includes training the brain-bladder connection to alert when it’s time to go to the bathroom, day or night. Simple steps are beneficial, such as encouraging regular bathroom visits during the day and limiting liquids before bedtime. For those children who need more help developing the brain-bladder connection, the consistent use of wetness alarms has been quite effective.
Wet-Stop 3+ Wearable Alarm
Designed and developed by a board-certified pediatric urologist, recommended by The Potty University, the Wet-Stop 3+ Wearable Alarm cures bedwetting! It’s been proven effective by thousands of satisfied moms and dads worldwide.
Since its introduction in 1979, the Wet-Stop alarm system has helped many thousands of children and families successfully overcome bedwetting. The alarm unit is attached at the shoulder or neckline of the child’s pajamas. The cord with sensor tip is attached to underwear at the point where wetness will first occur (not against the skin). With the first few drops of moisture, the alarm unit sounds, alerting the child to get up and go to the bathroom. A two-step system to turn off the alarm makes sure the child is awake enough to get up and go to the bathroom. While every child is different, positive results are frequently seen within two to three weeks. The best part – no medication is required!
Curing bedwetting for over 40 years!
The system has been continually updated, such as improving the functionality and grip of the clips for clothing and the sensor. The alarm has settings for audible, vibration, or both. The audible alarm volume is set within the safety guidelines established by the U.S. government Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The Wet-Stop 3+ comes with a Progress chart and gold and silver star stickers to recognize and reward your child for successful and dry nights! Parents, you’ll want to download “The Complete Bedwetting Book” for additional insight and information.
This device works! In a matter of 3 weeks our 8 year old went from wetting the bed almost every night to only wetting it once or twice a week. I think he began staying dry pretty consistently around week 4. It’s two months later and he doesn’t wet the bed AT ALL. I’m glad that I decided to try it out because nothing seemed to work and it was becoming embarrassing for him to still wet the bed at 8 years old. […] I definitely recommend this product.” ~fanofr&b
Watch and learn more about the Wet-Stop 3+
You should always check with your doctor to make sure there are no underlying health problems to be addressed. Once good health is confirmed, you can proceed with other steps to stop bedwetting.